AQW: Time Blocking

A Quick Word on: Time Blocking

I’ve long-subscribed to the method of time-blocking. That is, once I identify an important task, I don’t just add it to my to-do list, I put time for it in my calendar as well.

The thing is, I’ve noticed that this tactic is effective - if I’m GENEROUS - about 50% of the time. Because what happens when I sit down for said allotted timeslot is that a million distractions (meaning, easier-to-do tasks - anything from resolving a calendar conflict to scrolling WhatsApp) pop into my periphery and I choose to ‘quickly’ do those instead.

In the last few months, I landed on a professional goal that means a LOT to me. And this is when I started to notice how these distractions were diverting my energy from the juicy, hard, meaningful stuff that I was saying I wanted to focus on. I became frustrated with these shiny objects and my seeming inability to resist them. I think it was out of this desperation that I decided to layer calendar-blocking with my new found friend: AIRPLANE MODE.

I have to say, it’s worked. I feel less anxious when I’ve deployed it. I get into ✨flow✨ more quickly and deeply. All of this increases my productivity and efficiency.

To be clear though, this is NOT an advertisement for the latest productivity hack. (And to be fair, it’s not the ‘latest’ either - I’m pretty sure productivity experts have been preaching this one for at least a decade.)

No, this is an observation of WHY this tactic is working for me.

It works because it’s become SO. MUCH. MORE. than a productivity hack. Now, when I deploy this tactic, I feel my brain switch gears and with that, a sense of relief and purpose.

What started as a desperate tactic has morphed into my special method for honouring my values. When I say ‘values’, I mean: what I MOST want to be experiencing in this life. All of our biggest dreams, goals and desires are centered around these values, whether we consciously know it or not. And this tactic that I’ve made into a habit - it’s stuck because it has become the way I create dedicated room - dare I say, a SACRED SPACE - for those goals and the values they serve.

So no, this is not me telling you to time-block + switch on airplane mode and you’ll experience 156% more productivity and joy. This is me inviting you to consider the following: What would it take to send a signal to your brain that you’ve created a sacred space for a period in time?

When you’ve landed on that, why not give it a go? Do that thing the next time you block off time to work on one of your most important goals. And LMK how you get on!

In the meantime, I’ll be rooting for you!


P.S. If you feel the momentum/energy slipping from one of the goals you set on January 1st, you are in excellent company. (I felt it too!) I took myself through my own exercise to Regain Momentum and noticed a big shift. Feel free to download this free resource HERE.

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P.P.P.S. Always feel free to hit reply/get in touch if the spirit moves you and to share with a friend if you think it might resonate!


The ‘freedom to suck’ at something